Pig Slaughter Dragged
This brutalized pig has never heard a kind word, has never felt a loving, human touch…

as he is dragged into a slaughterhouse to have his throat slit and slowly bleeds to death in agonizing pain…

Unimaginable cruelty and it happens countless millions of times a day in our country and world.

We Humans Can Do Better... and Together, We Will... and here are some beautiful words of wisdom that have inspired so many of us..

Together, We Humans
Will no longer turn a blind eye to any animal cruelty,
Will no longer turn a deaf ear to any animal suffering.

We will never, ever again allow such horrendous
treatment to our beautiful, innocent creatures.

Puppy and Cat Mills, Stray Animals, Factory Farm Animals, and Animal Experimentation Labs

“They are born into cruelty, they live their entire lives in cruelty, and they die in cruelty… and even though some people turn a
a blind eye to their suffering, many more of us humans will not, and join together to end it…” — Charlie Currin, June 2018

Discarded like trash…  a mother and her newborn babies thrown alive into the bin and then allowed to starve and thirst to death…Slow, agonizing deaths…  What have we humans become to allow this…  and turn a blind eye to it.  Out of sight, out of mind is no longer tolerable…

Pig Babies in Trash Bin

Animals living the way they are supposed to be…  with room to roam and play…


Look at their beautiful, hopeful, faces…  Pigs looking out the windows that have never seen the sun…  have never felt the wind…
have never breathed fresh air… not knowing they are on the way to be slaughtered…  It is mindboggling cruelty…  It should make us all weep…


We Humans Can Do Better.
and Together, We Will...
and here are some beautiful words
of wisdom that have inspired so many of us.

Dr. Jane Goodall

Dr. Jane Goodall is an English primatologist and anthropologist.  She is considered the world’s foremost expert on chimpanzees.  I had the good fortune to hear her in person when she celebrated her 90th birthday, April 1, 2024, at the Beacon Theatre in NYC.  She was amazing and the audience was thrilled to be with her.  Her gracious host was Ira Flatow from National Public Radio.  Dr. Goodall confessed her favorite animal is the dog !!!


Beautiful Monkey family in their natural habitat…

Gary Yourofsky is a prominent animal rights activist

Gary Yourofsky is a prominent animal rights activist and lecturer… and a major influence on contemporary veganism…

Beautiful Monkey family in their natural habitat…

When I Die

For years I have gone to my local shelter and adopted a dog and saved a dear life…  My present dog is 15 and blind and deaf and still healthy…  and when he, “Yankee” does pass I will be at the shelter the next day saving another precious life…  PLEASE ADOPT AND DON’T SHOP… 

Beautiful Monkey family in their natural habitat…

Dr. Jane Goodall

More beautiful words of wisdom by Dr. Jane Goodall…

Beautiful Monkey family in their natural habitat…

provoking words by Amina Tharwat Aboza

Such thought provoking words by Amina Tharwat Aboza…  founder of S.P.A.R.E.  The first Egyptian Animal Rights Organization…

Beautiful Monkey family in their natural habitat…


I’ve seen so many different versions of this quote…  and my favorite thing about coming home is my dog greeting me at the door…  I love this quote, which is so true… and hope these beautiful pets’ owner returns home soon…  and what a treat he or she has!!!

Beautiful Monkey family in their natural habitat…


Only we humans together can change this…  and I faithfully believe together we can…  together we will…

Beautiful Monkey family in their natural habitat…

Joaquin Phoenix

Talented human being Joaquin Phoenix…  and he often uses big publicity events such as at the Oscars when he won best actor… spreading support of animal-rights issues on national television to a huge audience…

Beautiful Monkey family in their natural habitat…

Pope Francis

I often kindly joke since I was raised Baptist “Protestants for the Pope” !!!  and I do love this true Servant of God and his love of animals…  Thank you Pope Francis for all you do to spread the love and kindness to animals…!!!

Beautiful Monkey family in their natural habitat…

Vet Thanks For Everything

I find this very touching…  Oh my goodness, the love of an animal is profoundly moving and enriches our lives in so many ways…  and so many animals are unloved…  and we can change this…  We must change this…

Beautiful Monkey family in their natural habitat…


An amazing thought-provoking quote by Pierre Troubetzkoy….  Known for his magnificent portrait paintings and brother of the famous sculptor Pierre Troubetzkoy…

Beautiful Monkey family in their natural habitat…

Joaqin Phoenix

Thank God animals have the incredible Joaquin Phoenix as a huge advocate…

Beautiful Monkey family in their natural habitat…

Unwanted Kitten

Mother Teresa, much like Pope Francis, extended many profound quotes to include animals…  The great Catholic Hymn:  “All Creatures of Our God and King…”  text written by St. Francies of Assisi in 1225 in “The Canticle of the Sun” Poem based on Psalm 148…  the last year of his life.  The magnificent words were translated into English by William Draper, a rector of a Church of England Parish Church. 

Beautiful Monkey family in their natural habitat…

Dear God

Our first mission is to end the endless supply of dogs and cats in animal mills…  and end the outrageous euthanasia of over 8,000 dogs per hour…

Beautiful Monkey family in their natural habitat…

Trap Neuter Return

Every stray animal, every homeless animal, every cat colony feline, etc…  Capture, trap,  neuter, vaccinate and return…  Every animal…  Not missing one…  This must be done…

Beautiful Monkey family in their natural habitat…


Even though you can’t speak we hear you, we know the hell you are going through, and we humans are joining together to stop it… We will no longer turn a blind eye to your suffering… We will speak for you beloved animals…

Beautiful Monkey family in their natural habitat…

Billy Graham with dog

I hope what our great religious leaders say is true…  Pope Francis and Billy Graham, to name a few…  and what we dear humans believe in our hearts…

Beautiful Monkey family in their natural habitat…


Every religion respects animals in different ways…  and a common message is not to cause great harm and suffering to them…

Beautiful Monkey family in their natural habitat…


Kindness to all living creatures…  Human and animal…

Beautiful Monkey family in their natural habitat…

Jewish Proverb

A beautiful Jewish Proverb…

Beautiful Monkey family in their natural habitat…

Who Protect Them

and our numbers are growing to protect animals…  All animals…

Beautiful Monkey family in their natural habitat…


Beautiful quote…

Beautiful Monkey family in their natural habitat…

Dog Chained

Getting laws changed for dogs not to be chained are top priority…  It is outrageous cruelty…

Beautiful Monkey family in their natural habitat…


So true…  and I am such a believer of the good you put out comes back to you…  a paraphrase of the more common quote:  “What goes around comes around”…  and I always add “The good and the bad…”

Beautiful Monkey family in their natural habitat…

Muslim Quote

I believe in the goodness of all human beings despite religion having been a lifelong organist…  We all know how to extend kindness to each other and animals…

Beautiful Monkey family in their natural habitat…

Goat and kid

This picture breaks my heart and my soul…  and it happens millions of times a day in our country…  It makes me weep…  as this mother speaks with her child…  trying to bring it comfort before a heartless, vicious death at the hands of absolute non caring people who work in factory farm industries…  So thrilled and proud we humans are joining together to stop the horrendous cruelty…

Beautiful Monkey family in their natural habitat…


Perception…  Isn’t it amazing how some of us look at these beautiful creatures differently…  It is outrageous…  and we can educate ourselves to treat ALL living creatures with dignity and respect and kindness…  ALL !!!

Beautiful Monkey family in their natural habitat…

pig and piglet

The sweet innocence of a child can also be reflected in animals…  which makes this picture more heartbreaking as the mother and baby weep for totally different reasons…  The child coming back to save its mother as they are both doomed to be slaughtered so humans can eat spareribs, ham, bacon, fat back…  We humans must join together to end this unthinkable cruelty…

Beautiful Monkey family in their natural habitat…

dog waiting

No matter what…  our beloved animals are home waiting for us to return…  unconditional love…

Beautiful Monkey family in their natural habitat…

Spare Sight

FACE IT and CHANGE IT…  to change it we humans must face it…  We can no longer turn a blind eye to their suffering…

Beautiful Monkey family in their natural habitat…


Nothing further from the truth…  Absolute Gentle Giants that are loving, kind, and trusting…  and treated horrendously in the dairy industry, factory farming…  etc.  and SHAME ON US…  but we will no longer turn a blind eye to their suffering… 

Beautiful Monkey family in their natural habitat…

Dogs Sleep on Sidewalk

Homeless man making sure his animals are still well taken care of…  During the pandemic so many people lost their jobs and their homes and had to surrender their animals…  and some went to extraordinary challenges to stay together…

Beautiful Monkey family in their natural habitat…

Elephant Tusks

I play my beloved Grandmother’s Square Grand Piano everyday with the beautiful ivory tusk keys…  and thank God they were banned back in 1989…  Now we humans have to stop the huge illegal ivory trade…

Beautiful Monkey family in their natural habitat…

fear dog

Beautiful Monkey family in their natural habitat…

It is unimaginable terror…  for all animals involved with puppy mills, cat colonies, factory farming, and experimentation labs…  and we humans, together, have the power to end the cruelty…  We can do this…  We must do this…

Rat Facts

and yet again, treated horrendously by humans…  Rats play an important role in the health of grasslands and forests, and are a major source of food for many predators and scavengers…  In cities they are a major eat all on sidewalks, etc.  We must ban horrendous glue traps, etc.  They should be humanely caught and moved…  and not killed…

Beautiful Monkey family in their natural habitat…