Some of my favorite childhood memories were of all the amazing animals on the family tobacco farm in North Carolina... This cherished picture is my sister and me, and some of our friends, riding horses... My father on the left and mother on the right, then me on my pony, Billy... and my sister on her Appaloosa, Ringo...
and Mr. Clements, caretaker of all the farm animals...
I now fully realize exactly how lucky we all were.
My amazing Grandparents, Ava and Gas; My loving parents Judy and Coon (Yes, his nickname came from his love and caring for the raccoons in the Home Place Oak Grove.) My beloved Aunt Lottie, and my second mother, our housekeeper, Bessie Mae...
A Kinder, Gentler, Simpler Time for All of Us Living in What Seems a Fantasy Land Now.
With so much chaos in the world right now, let's join together
in our country and end something we can accomplish. We can do this.

End all animal cruelty and then show the world how we did it.

We humans will no longer turn a blind eye to their suffering.

A Personal Story

Introducing my adopted dog Yankee, who was picked up on the streets of New York City as a stray ten years ago by NYC Animal Care and Control… He had been severely abused and they speculated he somehow escaped a life of torture and neglect or he was just discarded… or possibly dog fighting bait. They thought he should be put down and I insisted they let me take him home… He looked exactly like my two former adopted dogs, Swanky and Swankie. Here are two pictures of Yankee, the first as a stray when he entered the shelter, and the second is a current picture… What love and patience can do… I’m so grateful I was able to save his precious life… Yankee brings much joy and laughter to me… Let me say again: I faithfully believe we humans, together, can save them all! Please Join Us !!!
Update: Yankee passed at age 14 December 28, 2023 and I miss him terribly.
and I went to NYC ACC and fostered a beautiful dog named "Thunder" and I will be adopting an older dog very soon!!!
YankeeThunder001_MOD-91017 (1)

Swanky and Swankie

When my beloved mother became sick, she made me promise I would take her dog “Swanky” and, of course, I did… and he hated me! I’ll never forget after Judy’s funeral trying to pick him up on the sofa he sat with her as she spoiled him while they watched tv together… And I did some research about how loyal L’hasa Apso’s were… Swanky came home with me and he slowly came around and was so much fun… and what a personality… and I loved his name “Swanky” my mom gave him… and when he passed I adopted my “Swankie” and so grateful to save his life… another beautiful rescue that brought so much happiness to me… When he passed, again I went the next day to NYC Animal Care and Control and there he was “Yankee” and I told the lady working “Swanky” and “Swankie” were playing with me from the Rainbow Bridge with his rhyming name! It took me a few weeks to call him his correct name… Yankee is now 14, blind and deaf, but still healthy. and such a joy. I will miss him terribly when he goes… and the next day I will adopt and save another precious life.

Every week we will feature different animals here in a variety of postings.