


New York’s Governor Kathy Hochul passes legislation to end puppy mills and illegal breeders.  May her kindness to animals spread across our other 49 states…  This is fantastic news and thank you Gov Hochul !!!


Our website is fully back online and being improved daily…







11.20.24 Update

Our website was attacked by malware on October 4, 2024 and totally ruined and gone. Thank God a developer at Register was able to slowly put the site back together and it is back… and it now has the best extra security and backed up after every change to it. Thank you for your kind patience during this harrowing time. We will not let anything distract us from our mission to end all animal cruelty.


So grateful things are finally moving along slowly, but surely…


Wishing everyone the best New Year with great health… and all of us, together, changing animal cruelty in our country… 21 Daytime and Late Night Talk Shows starting in the spring… and will be posted on the Media Page…

6.29.22 Turning a Blind Eye.

I have had so many people write me and say they want to help but they can not look at the cruelty… and I understand that… as my introduction says my sister and I watched “I Am An Animal” back in 2007 and could not speak after it we were so upset… but that was a big reason for me starting the animal charity to stop ALL ANIMAL CRUELTY… not just some of it…


I’ve been doing a lot of work and research the past months when humans actually started cooking meat for food and will post it when I get it all organized. Can you believe we were ALL vegan until 300,000 – 400,000 thousand years ago… just like cows, pigs, elephants, etc. And eating meat has devastated our health, especially now with the drugs and harmones they are injected full of to grow fast… not to mention how animals are horrendously treated in Factory Farming…

6.17.22 - 25 MILLION FRIENDS.

Today, June 17, 2022, we reached 25 MILLION FRIENDS around the country in every county of each 50 states… What a milestone and thank you from the bottom of my heart to have this huge number of humans fighting animal cruelty… and we’ve only just begun…

11.20.24 Update

Our website was attacked by malware on October 4, 2024 and totally ruined and gone. Thank God a developer at Register was able to slowly put the site back together and it is back… and it now has the best extra security and backed up after every change to it. Thank you for your kind patience during this harrowing time. We will not let anything distract us from our mission to end all animal cruelty.


So grateful things are finally moving along slowly, but surely…


Wishing everyone the best New Year with great health… and all of us, together, changing animal cruelty in our country… 21 Daytime and Late Night Talk Shows starting in the spring… and will be posted on the Media Page…

6.29.22 Turning a Blind Eye.

I have had so many people write me and say they want to help but they can not look at the cruelty… and I understand that… as my introduction says my sister and I watched “I Am An Animals” back in XXXX and could not speak after it we were so upset… but that was a big reason for starting the animal charity to get rid of ALL ANIMAL CRUELTY… not just parts of it…


I’ve been doing a lot of work and research the past months when humans actually started cooking meat for food and will post it when I get it all organized. Can you believe we were ALL vegan until 300,000 – 400,000 thousand years ago… just like cows, pigs, elephants, etc. And eating meat has devastated our health, especially now with the drugs and harmones they are injected full of to grow fast… not to mention how animals are horrendously treated in Factory Farming…

6.17.22 - 25 MILLION FRIENDS.

Today, June 17, 2022, we reached 25 MILLION FRIENDS around the country in every county of each 50 states… What a milestone and thank you from the bottom of my heart to have this huge number of humans fighting animal cruelty… and we’ve only just begun…

Dr. Jane Goodall
Frame 64
image 96

Please check out these current news articles about animals.
Some good, some bad, all informative.

How Wayne State’s Medical School Became the First in the U.S. to Require Plant-Based Nutrition Education.

Oct 27, 2021, Megan Edwards
Wayne State University School of Medicine in Detroit is the first…
” How Wayne State’s Medical School Became the First in the U.S. to Require Plant-Based Nutrition Education
We can no longer allow this, we humans can no longer allow this extreme cruelty to continue…
” 12 Horrifying Factory Farming Practices That’ll Keep You Up at Night

Meet the Canadian Researcher Determined to Take the Animals Out of Lab Testing

May 06, 2022
Advances in biotechnology may replicate human biology better than animal models, in many cases
Lab animals have been an essential part of life-altering and lifesaving scientific research and discovery. But a growing number of scientists are calling for an end to their use, and pushing for new methods that can better replicate human biology instead.

We Will Look Back on This Age of Cruelty to Animals in Horror

Dec 16, 2021, Ezra Klein
This article is part of Times Opinion’s Holiday Giving Guide 2021. For other ideas on where to donate this year, please see the rest of our guide here.

Lab animals have been an essential part of life-altering and lifesaving scientific research and discovery. But a growing number of scientists are calling for an end to their use, and pushing for new methods that can better replicate human biology instead.

How Many Animals Are Killed for Food Every Day?

Dec. 17, 2021, Grace Hussain
Every second the counter ticks and several hundred more animals have lost their lives.
The Animal Kill Clock serves as an eerie reminder of the lives and possibilities that are lost with every moment that passes. All around the world animals are dying in order to feed people.

Why (and How, Exactly) Did Early Humans Start Cooking?

Dec 17, 2019, Guy Crosby
Clearly, the controlled use of fire to cook food was an extremely important element in the biological and social evolution of early humans, whether it started 400,000 or 2 million years ago.
The lack of physical evidence suggests early humans did little to modify the control and use of fire for cooking for hundreds of thousands of years, which is quite surprising, given that they developed fairly elaborate tools for hunting during this time, as well as creating some of the first examples of cave art about 64,000 years ago.

The Ten Worst Companies For Animals

Dec 17, 2019, Guy Crosby
Many investors want to ensure they put their money in companies that share their values or, at a minimum, don’t conduct activities that are against their values. Analyzing companies for investment return is relatively straightforward, with various objective measures to consider: past returns, dividend rate, price to earnings ratio, etc. But ensuring companies are aligned with your values isn’t as straightforward. How can you determine what investments to avoid if you want to make the world a better place? This is an extremely complex question, and one that is inherently subjective. How do you compare a company that produces and promotes cigarettes to one that torments and slaughters hundreds of millions of animals? How would you rank a company that releases toxic sludge in rivers versus a company that boils macaque monkeys alive? (Charles River Labs, one of the companies on our Ten Worst list below, does this.) All of us here at Cruelty Free Investing want to avoid investing in companies that exploit animals. When it comes to listing the ten worst companies, we have chosen those we would be most embarrassed to be associated with, because of the magnitude of the suffering they cause. Your personal list may differ, of course. Our list will give you a sense of our top-line values, which we align with our own personal investing. Read more…


Jan 25, 2023
The United States raises and slaughters almost 10 times more birds than any other type of animal. Approximately 9 billion chickens are killed for their meat every year, while another 300 million chickens are used in egg production. All birds—meat chickens, egg-laying hens, turkeys, ducks, geese and others—are excluded from all federal animal protection laws. By sheer number, these are the animals most urgently in need of protection. The ASPCA is working actively with companies that buy or raise chickens to encourage the adoption of higher-welfare practices. Read more…


Jan 25, 2023
The U.S. raises around 120 million pigs for food each year, the vast majority [PDF] of whom are raised in barren crates or pens at industrial-scale facilities without fresh air or sunlight. They live on hard, slatted floors that do not accommodate their natural urge to root. Ammonia fumes rise to dangerous, uncomfortable levels due to high concentrations of waste. ASPCA is working actively with companies that buy pork or raise pigs to encourage the adoption of higher-welfare practices. Read more…


Jan 25, 2023


Jan 25, 2023
Approximately 240 million turkeys [PDF] are raised for meat in the U.S. annually. Like chickens, turkeys suffer from growth-related lameness and are housed in groups on the floors of long sheds where they are denied fresh air, sunshine and pasture. Turkeys also develop abnormal behaviors in these environments, which can result in cannibalism.The ASPCA is working actively with companies that raise turkeys or buy turkey to encourage the adoption of higher-welfare practices.


Jan 25, 2023
There is a common misconception that fish and other aquatic vertebrates do not feel pain; however, studies demonstrate that they are sentient and capable of both fear and suffering [PDF]. Aquaculture—the farming of fish and other aquatic species—is one of the fastest-growing areas of food production, surpassing global beef production. About half of all consumed fish—namely salmon, tuna, cod, trout and halibut—are raised in artificial environments, as opposed to being wild-caught, creating a number of welfare concerns. Read more…

The Best & Worst Countries for Animal Welfare Are Difficult to Measure

Nov 20, 2024
Farmers in Ethiopia training cows to walk in groups.

The general concept of animal welfare may seem fairly straightforward. But efforts to measure animal welfare, however, are far more complicated. Attempting to identify the best and worst countries for animal welfare is no easy task, but a close look at the work of several organizations advocating for animal rights gives us an idea of which places treat animals the best — and the worst.

With so much chaos in the world right now, let's join together
in our country and end something we can accomplish. We can do this.

End all animal cruelty and then show the world how we did it.

We humans will no longer turn a blind eye to their suffering.

11.20.24 Update
Our website was attacked by malware on October 4, 2024 and totally ruined and gone.  Thank God a developer at Register was able to slowly put the site back together and it is back...  and it now has the best extra security and backed up after every change to it.  Thank you for your kind patience during this harrowing time.  We will not let anything distract us from our mission to end all animal cruelty.

3.15.23 So grateful things are finally moving along slowly, but surely...

1.1.23 Wishing everyone the best New Year with great health... and all of us, together, changing animal cruelty in our country... 21 Daytime and Late Night Talk Shows starting in the spring... and will be posted on the Media Page...

6.29.22 Turning a Blind Eye.
I have had so many people write me and say they want to help but they can not look at the cruelty... and I understand that... as my introduction says my sister and I watched "I Am An Animals" back in XXXX and could not speak after it we were so upset... but that was a big reason for starting the animal charity to get rid of ALL ANIMAL CRUELTY... not just parts of it...
I've been doing a lot of work and research the past months when humans actually started cooking meat for food and will post it when I get it all organized. Can you believe we were ALL vegan until 300,000 - 400,000 thousand years ago... just like cows, pigs, elephants, etc. And eating meat has devastated our health, especially now with the drugs and harmones they are injected full of to grow fast... not to mention how animals are horrendously treated in Factory Farming...
6.17.22 - 25 MILLION FRIENDS.
Today, June 17, 2022, we reached 25 MILLION FRIENDS around the country in every county of each 50 states... What a milestone and thank you from the bottom of my heart to have this huge number of humans fighting animal cruelty... and we've only just begun...

Dr. Jane GoodallOwl

Please check out these current news articles about animals.
Some good, some bad, all informative.

How Wayne State’s Medical School Became the First in the U.S. to Require Plant-Based Nutrition Education.

Oct 27, 2021, Megan Edwards
Wayne State University School of Medicine in Detroit is the first…
” How Wayne State’s Medical School Became the First in the U.S. to Require Plant-Based Nutrition Education
We can no longer allow this, we humans can no longer allow this extreme cruelty to continue…
” 12 Horrifying Factory Farming Practices That’ll Keep You Up at Night

Meet the Canadian Researcher Determined to Take the Animals Out of Lab Testing

May 06, 2022
Advances in biotechnology may replicate human biology better than animal models, in many cases
Lab animals have been an essential part of life-altering and lifesaving scientific research and discovery. But a growing number of scientists are calling for an end to their use, and pushing for new methods that can better replicate human biology instead.

We Will Look Back on This Age of Cruelty to Animals in Horror

Dec 16, 2021, Ezra Klein
This article is part of Times Opinion’s Holiday Giving Guide 2021. For other ideas on where to donate this year, please see the rest of our guide here.

Lab animals have been an essential part of life-altering and lifesaving scientific research and discovery. But a growing number of scientists are calling for an end to their use, and pushing for new methods that can better replicate human biology instead.

How Many Animals Are Killed for Food Every Day?

Dec. 17, 2021, Grace Hussain
Every second the counter ticks and several hundred more animals have lost their lives.
The Animal Kill Clock serves as an eerie reminder of the lives and possibilities that are lost with every moment that passes. All around the world animals are dying in order to feed people.

Why (and How, Exactly) Did Early Humans Start Cooking?

Dec 17, 2019, Guy Crosby
Clearly, the controlled use of fire to cook food was an extremely important element in the biological and social evolution of early humans, whether it started 400,000 or 2 million years ago.
The lack of physical evidence suggests early humans did little to modify the control and use of fire for cooking for hundreds of thousands of years, which is quite surprising, given that they developed fairly elaborate tools for hunting during this time, as well as creating some of the first examples of cave art about 64,000 years ago.

The Ten Worst Companies For Animals

Dec 17, 2019, Guy Crosby
Many investors want to ensure they put their money in companies that share their values or, at a minimum, don’t conduct activities that are against their values. Analyzing companies for investment return is relatively straightforward, with various objective measures to consider: past returns, dividend rate, price to earnings ratio, etc. But ensuring companies are aligned with your values isn’t as straightforward. How can you determine what investments to avoid if you want to make the world a better place? This is an extremely complex question, and one that is inherently subjective. How do you compare a company that produces and promotes cigarettes to one that torments and slaughters hundreds of millions of animals? How would you rank a company that releases toxic sludge in rivers versus a company that boils macaque monkeys alive? (Charles River Labs, one of the companies on our Ten Worst list below, does this.) All of us here at Cruelty Free Investing want to avoid investing in companies that exploit animals. When it comes to listing the ten worst companies, we have chosen those we would be most embarrassed to be associated with, because of the magnitude of the suffering they cause. Your personal list may differ, of course. Our list will give you a sense of our top-line values, which we align with our own personal investing. Read more…


Jan 25, 2023
The United States raises and slaughters almost 10 times more birds than any other type of animal. Approximately 9 billion chickens are killed for their meat every year, while another 300 million chickens are used in egg production. All birds—meat chickens, egg-laying hens, turkeys, ducks, geese and others—are excluded from all federal animal protection laws. By sheer number, these are the animals most urgently in need of protection. The ASPCA is working actively with companies that buy or raise chickens to encourage the adoption of higher-welfare practices. Read more…


Jan 25, 2023
The U.S. raises around 120 million pigs for food each year, the vast majority [PDF] of whom are raised in barren crates or pens at industrial-scale facilities without fresh air or sunlight. They live on hard, slatted floors that do not accommodate their natural urge to root. Ammonia fumes rise to dangerous, uncomfortable levels due to high concentrations of waste. ASPCA is working actively with companies that buy pork or raise pigs to encourage the adoption of higher-welfare practices. Read more…


Jan 25, 2023


Jan 25, 2023
Approximately 240 million turkeys [PDF] are raised for meat in the U.S. annually. Like chickens, turkeys suffer from growth-related lameness and are housed in groups on the floors of long sheds where they are denied fresh air, sunshine and pasture. Turkeys also develop abnormal behaviors in these environments, which can result in cannibalism.The ASPCA is working actively with companies that raise turkeys or buy turkey to encourage the adoption of higher-welfare practices.


Jan 25, 2023
There is a common misconception that fish and other aquatic vertebrates do not feel pain; however, studies demonstrate that they are sentient and capable of both fear and suffering [PDF]. Aquaculture—the farming of fish and other aquatic species—is one of the fastest-growing areas of food production, surpassing global beef production. About half of all consumed fish—namely salmon, tuna, cod, trout and halibut—are raised in artificial environments, as opposed to being wild-caught, creating a number of welfare concerns. Read more…

The Best & Worst Countries for Animal Welfare Are Difficult to Measure

Nov 20, 2024
Farmers in Ethiopia training cows to walk in groups.

The general concept of animal welfare may seem fairly straightforward. But efforts to measure animal welfare, however, are far more complicated. Attempting to identify the best and worst countries for animal welfare is no easy task, but a close look at the work of several organizations advocating for animal rights gives us an idea of which places treat animals the best — and the worst.