Providing a Better Tomorrow for All Animals

Promoting Animal Welfare With A
National Animal Protection Movement


My name is Charlie Currin, and I wholeheartedly welcome you here as we begin the important and urgent task of ending all animal cruelty in our country. I truly believe we humans can join together to do what is right and compassionate for all our innocent, beloved creatures. We, together, can do this… We, together, must do this…

We’ve all heard it… “choose your battles wisely…” and not to spread oneself too thin trying to do too many things at once… and we are at a critical time in our country and world where we need to take on meaningful projects that touch our hearts and souls, and respond with kindness and compassion… and together, change something for the better. Together, slowly making a difference in the lives of humans and animals, and our earth. One battle at a time… and oh, the difference we millions of Americans, working together, can and will make. I am hoping your battle will be to change how our country treats animals.

Charlie Currin, CEO & President

A little bit about me…

I am a retired life-long musician… an organist, pianist, conductor, performer and teacher… and now fully devoted to joining the country together to end animal cruelty. All animal cruelty.

I was raised on a beautiful tobacco farm in North Carolina… full of amazing animals. Lots of dogs and cats, cows and pigs, horses, ponies and mules, lambs, chickens, and opossums… pigeons, birds, bats… and occasionally coyotes, snakes, and bears. Ponds with ducks, geese, and swans… full of fish, turtles, frogs, and bullfrogs… Even our Pastor kept his beehives on the farm.

Early on, my sister, brother, and I convinced our father not to kill the animals for food. He hesitantly agreed, with the urging of our mother, and these beautiful creatures lived out their lives being loved and cared for by all of us. But I knew, even at an early age, this was not the norm for most animals…

Life went on… and I will never forget when my sister and I, now both living in NYC two blocks from each other, stayed on the phone together in November of 2007, when “I Am an Animal” premiered on TV… exposing the horrible truth of how animals were actually treated on factory farms and in animal experimentation labs, puppy mills, etc… We couldn’t even speak during it as we were so sickened and shocked by what we saw. I still vividly remember it now, 17 years later, like it was yesterday… and it has haunted me ever since… and I’ve never forgotten my huge desire to do something about animal welfare and how this documentary so profoundly affected me.

And now, with similar shows and social media, the ugly truth has really been exposed and many people are up in arms about the abuse… yet feel helpless as to what to do. But we humans, coming together on this site, can change this… AND WE WILL! I faithfully believe we can all come together across our beloved country with a grassroots movement to end what is going on. Our innocent sentient animals deserve nothing less.

PLEASE help us spread the word and our website… PLEASE invite your family and friends to join us…

PLEASE let’s ALL of us come together and change everything that is wrong with our broken system. Let’s do what is right for ALL animals.

Please see the “Join Us” page.

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Happening Right Now – Winter & Spring - 2025
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In 2018, the IRS approved (501)(c)(3) tax-exempt status for the “Currin Foundation – Pulling Out All The Stops Charity”
Please read our website
to learn more about our passion for saving animals from abuse, passing humane laws, and much more.