In loving memory of my parents,
Juliarene and Carroll Currin,
who instilled in me a great love and respect
for all living creatures.
The Currin Foundation – Pulling Out All The Stops Charity
is an IRS-approved 501(c)(3) Corporation.
Our first goal is to immediately start getting legislation passed to begin this process in an organized, systematic manner by supporting and electing officials that truly believe in our cause. Let’s begin with 50 Million Strong Letters to ALL our elected officials starting with all 50 State Governors. I have simplified all the different form letters to one for now. Cut and paste it and make it your own and from your heart. Easy to find names and addresses are also on the “Forms” page… We all know there is much power and persuasion in numbers with like-minded folks. 50 Million Strong will be a formidable force with a voice for our beloved animals. “Force with a Voice” describes us perfectly… as does “Voice with a Force”…
Like most everything, education is a key component… Educate ourselves and educate the public about what is happening and how we, together, can change it. “Face It Change It” & “Face It and Change It” are two more of our mantras and hashtags. #FaceItChangeIt #FaceItAndChangeIt
Slowly changing the public’s mindset and making it “cool” and “hip” to support animal welfare… We are designing some amazing catchy memorable short ads for social media, television, etc., to spread our message… and we welcome your ideas and submissions and would greatly appreciate your input and creativity.
and please see the “Media” page for upcoming tv shows I will be on introducing us to the country what we are doing to change what is happening to our beloved animals. Please send good vibes as we all start spreading our mission to the country.
Again, our first goal is to get new legislation passed to end what is going on with all animals…