About the POATS Foundation

Juliarene and Carroll Currin

In loving memory of my parents,
Juliarene and Carroll Currin,
who instilled in me a great love and respect
for all living creatures.


Charles Currin, President and CEO


Veterinarian Consultant

Dr. Tracy McCormack

The Currin Foundation – Pulling Out All The Stops Charity
is an IRS-approved 501(c)(3) Corporation.

The POATS Foundation is a National Grassroots Movement joining us together to end all animal cruelty and abuse. We humans can no longer turn a blind eye to the horrendous ways they are treated and how they suffer. Let’s gather together and end it. We are kindly and gently introducing to the public what we are doing in a positive manner.
Extreme cruelty is difficult, often too upsetting for some to watch, and that’s okay. YOU can help change it without seeing it. Every form letter you send brings us closer to ending animal cruelty. Your encouragement to family and friends (and strangers) to share our website and mission will go a long way in uniting us for this cause. Everyone’s participation in this effort is indispensable. We need you all!!!

Our first goal is to immediately start getting legislation passed to begin this process in an organized, systematic manner by supporting and electing officials that truly believe in our cause. Let’s begin with 50 Million Strong Letters to ALL our elected officials starting with all 50 State Governors.  I have simplified all the different form letters to one for now. Cut and paste it and make it your own and from your heart. Easy to find names and addresses are also on the “Forms” page… We all know there is much power and persuasion in numbers with like-minded folks. 50 Million Strong will be a formidable force with a voice for our beloved animals. “Force with a Voice” describes us perfectly… as does “Voice with a Force”…

Like most everything, education is a key component… Educate ourselves and educate the public about what is happening and how we, together, can change it. “Face It Change It” & “Face It and Change It” are two more of our mantras and hashtags.  #FaceItChangeIt  #FaceItAndChangeIt

Slowly changing the public’s mindset and making it “cool” and “hip” to support animal welfare… We are designing some amazing catchy memorable short ads for social media, television, etc., to spread our message… and we welcome your ideas and submissions and would greatly appreciate your input and creativity.

To help bombard our elected officials with letters, consider hosting a gathering to make an even more powerful impact in your neighborhood. Bombard is a strong term and it is also a loud fiery reed brass sound on the pipe organ (Bombarde – remember “Pulling Out All the Stops”). We need LOUD and FIERY to get our message heard LOUD and CLEARLY…!!! Especially the literal cutthroat industries we are going up against.
How about hosting a “Bombard Brunch” like a covered dish / pot luck in your home, community, religious facility, YMCA, library, etc. to end animal cruelty. Ask your local newspaper, television, or radio station to show up and cover what you are doing… The more publicity, the better for our animals.

and please see the “Media” page for upcoming tv shows I will be on introducing us to the country what we are doing to change what is happening to our beloved animals.  Please send good vibes as we all start spreading our mission to the country.

With such an honest desire in my heart, I have been preparing myself for this mammoth undertaking for a long time... and have studied animal cruelty in our country and world for years now... and used the pandemic to especially educate myself... Reading hundreds of books and thousands of articles... and speaking with amazing experts all over the country... and one thing became very clear to me... We have to have the absolute full support of our elected officials, starting with each state governor. As just proven when New York's Governor Kathy Hochul passed into law the banning of all Puppy Mills in New York State within one year... and this is only the beginning of what she has planned!!! For the animals this is huge... All of us at POATS are thrilled and thank you Governor Hochul!


The Form Letter is in both formats,
WORD and PDF, on the "FORMS" page.
Please get your letters to your governors as soon as possible...
As you can see below, we have much to do,
and together, we will do it...

For Dogs And Cats

  • As we get laws changed it is urgent we sponsor free and reduced-price spay and neuter clinics across the nation. We will work with all veterinarians to provide low-cost and no-cost services.
  • Follow what the Netherlands did that ended all stray dogs in their country. “Capture, Neuter and Spay, Vaccinate, Microchip, and Return.” Of course, we include Feral Cat Colonies with trap-neuter-return programs and programs to socialize all stray animals for adoption.

  • Get legislation passed to outlaw and close all unregulated puppy mills and enact laws on how animals are to be humanely treated in legal breeding facilities.

  • Outlaw chaining of dogs and any animals.

  • Immediately make all animal shelters NO KILL…  The euthanasia of 8,000 dogs and cats EVERY HOUR in our country is truly unthinkable.  WE, together, will change these outrageous numbers.

  • As the numbers of stray and homeless animals decrease eventually require all pet stores to only sell homeless animals as California has already done.

For All Animals

  • Enact laws to end horrific factory farming practices. Require each animal have a minimum amount of space with natural light and fresh air in which to live and move around. There are so many horrendous factory farming practices we must demand stopped like gestation crates, farrowing crates, etc.  and the devastating effects factory farming has on our beloved earth and environment.

  • Prohibit all animal testing, medical research, and experimentation. Modern technology has deemed this practice obsolete, yet it continues because of tradition, ignorance, and greed.  It is an outdated, archaic practice that must be stopped immediately.

  • Ban all brutal slaughter practices like gassing, clubbing, throat-slitting, etc. It is barbaric what we have allowed to these innocent, helpless creatures.

  • It is urgent we invent several sizes of a universal standard electrical and battery-operated device for quickly and painlessly killing animals for consumption by a simple quick tap near the brain.  We have contacted several companies for designs and welcome your input.

  • Plant-based – Vegan Education like the one I attended at the oldest public hospital in the United States – Bellevue Hospital… and they are spreading their research and knowledge across the nation. Check their website and find similar programs near you. I say try it, you might like it… the health benefits are astonishing. And oh, how the animals will benefit. But it is very understandable this way of life is not for everyone. I never, ever thought I would be a vegan.

  • Three years ago, a friend suggested I read the book “How Not to Die” by Dr. Michael Greger… It was life-changing… I was 300 pounds and my blood pressure 160/100. Now I’m 190 and pressure 120/80 and a healthier, much happier thriving person. The book’s short introduction alone will change your life. Start off slowly going to vegetarian, and try vegan a few times a week. Try it, you might like it. For me, I was determined to do anything the prevention of cruelty to animals. I will have no part of it, except to change it along with you all…

Again, our first goal is to get new legislation passed to end what is going on with all animals…